So here we are a day into the last push of our summer here in the DR. What a summer it has been already. I know I always say that I am going to miss it here, and I am slowly coming to terms with that and what it will be like when I am home, but with each passing day and week the closer I come to terms of leaving the further away I seem to get as well. I walked into the school this afternoon after a long weekend away and was greeted by a Christine, Christine, Christine!!! Of course there is a little bit of an accent added to it that might be my favorite part. These kids! They have a piece of my heart that I am afraid is going to be left here in the DR.
I cant put into enough words everything that God has taught me and shown me here. I know I am going back to the States different in so many ways. God has shown me so much of his character, love and faithfulness, and patience. I knew all of these things but there is always new ways to experience them and being here all these months has just been the place for me. Every time I tell my testimony, I see so many more places in my life where God was pushing me to this place. As I look back I am amazed to see where I was even just a year or so ago and where I am now. I feel Gods presents so much more in my life and as I seek Him more in all decisions that I am making and not on others opinions or my own judgment but on His will for my life.
There are only two and a half weeks left where I will be able to walk into the school and be greeted by so many names, Christine (of course with that accent), Christina (as Jonathan says and as I respond Jonathona), Tin Tin (as Vladimir says and others have adopted). There are only so many more hugs and kisses on the cheek left and only a few more opportunities to hold them tight on the benches out front. I want them to be shown as much love as they have poured out on me these last seven months, and that may possibly be my goal for this time. That and just making the most of what God still has to show me here and to not forget everything that I have gained here.
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