The past couple of weeks have been a little different for me. Genesis is on a trimester system and so we have been out of school now for two and a half weeks, and have a week and a half left. The first week we had a team, and since none of the preschools were open we held VBS in each of them one day that week. The second week started out with a nice relaxing trip to a beach resort, which was fabulous! I have also spent a couple of days up in Los Higos helping Heidy with the woman’s social work site.
I say that the past few weeks have been different in what I have been doing for sure, but also in the way that God has been challenging me and reveling Himself to me. I have become comfortable working at Genesis. Not to say that this is a bad thing because I wouldn't, but I know my job there and I have gotten to know the kids really well and have fallen in love with them. I was in a routine, and when that routine broke, I found myself taking a look at everything that was around me and finding that I had been missing something.
During our week of VBS, God showed me something of what He wants me to be doing. I have never thought of ever being a teacher, but this week I found myself really liking the idea. Ok so I cant say I have never thought of being a teacher, I could never see myself doing it in the states and because of that I never thought about preschool... And while I was working with all of these other cute little kids I was really thinking that I really missed the kids at Genesis. Being at Genesis the past few months has really been an eye opening experience for me but God knew that I would need to get out of the routine for a while and discover possibly what He has in store for me through my experience there. So I have had sort of a revelation you could say. Thoughts of possibly teaching special needs children and or preschool age kids.
I feel like this direction that God is setting me on finally makes sense. I have been reading through the New Testament, specifically Paul’s letters and really taking from it what it means to be a true disciple and follower. There is such encouragement in Paul’s letters and I find myself seeking it out all the time. As has been the norm for these past few months there has been a million things on my mind. Some of them I have found that God has given me peace about and others still I am seeking guidance. I have given it all over to Him, and know that in the right time He will guide me in His direction, as He has done so far.
A verse comes to mind, Isaiah 41:9-10 "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant,' I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you with my righteous hand." I am called to follow Christ to the ends of the earth. I don’t need to fear anything because He will be there for me always. God's plan is so much bigger than mine. I have been finding myself slowly letting go and holding tight to what God has promised me.
So change… not really one of my most preferred aspects to life but one that I am beginning to become more comfortable with the more that I seek Christ in all that I do, and fully commit to be the chosen daughter that He has meant for me to be all along.
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