Thursday, May 26, 2011

Here We Go!!!!

What a week and a half it has been. I want to document this week and all that went on because it was such a huge week. I am reminded of a quote from the oldest man that goes a little something like this, "Embrace change even when it slaps you in the face."

That being said, it was such a high coming off the retreat weekend that I really wasn't thinking about all the changes that were going to happen in the week to come. I knew it was all coming and I thought that I was ready for it all but wow what a change. Monday night Jeff moved out of the "intern house", and with his suitcase all packed up and rolled out to the living area it looked like he was leaving forever. I know, that is really dramatic, but it was a change that I didn’t see happening until it was happening. The next three nights were good for me, all be it different, but it really gave me a chance to pray and think over all that I had gained from over the weekend and helped confirm some things that I had been thinking about. God has a crazy way of working those things out. There are also some new ideas running around in my head that could be a good, we will see. More to come on that.

Thursday the other interns arrived! I was so happy to see B, apparently I could not stop smiling. We have all been having so much fun, I can really tell that we are going to be getting along really well! I am rooming with Ariana and Meghan, in the other room there is B and Rachael and Erin, and Kelly. For the guys there are Jessie and Chris and Myles who is a volunteer with Jeff and Angie! It is defiantly going to be a summer to remember. We have already had to many laughs to count, including game night with nothing else but telephone charades.

We have also had our first summer team here. Our group at Genesis is amazing. I get the chance to work with some occupational therapists and they are teaching me so much about it and I can see that we can defiantly make some progress with these amazing kids this summer. I am totally pumped for it! I know I have said this before but I have fallen in love with the school and the kids and cant imagine doing anything else right now. God has put me here for a purpose and I fell like I am finally getting it.

Along with all of these amazing things going on and amazing people that are here, I have been struggling a little with it. I stated off with a quote about embracing change, but I really do a horrible job at that. I miss the quiet but at the same time I am really excited that everyone is here. There also seems like so much more to do which there really isn’t just teams from here on out. Its like a battle going on in my head and heart that has got me all confused. Through it all though God has just been showing me more about myself and its been good. There are always ups and downs and sideways and all around but God will be there for it all.

Moving forward... Here we go!!! This summer is going to be the best one of our lives.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Mission

This weekend we are (were) on a staff retreat. To tell you the truth I was not entirely looking forward to it, because I was basing my opinions solely on what was being said about the place itself and not about what we were going to be doing there, for some reason. Ummm, so I was wrong. I am going to try to tie all of this together so bear with me if it seems like I am going off in another direction than what I previously started with. I have been reading in a book that I want to reflect on and of course share a little about what this weekend was like for me as well.

The book that I am reading through right now is called “The Organic God” by Margaret Feinberg. I must confess that I have had this book sitting on a shelf at home for the past five years, and I brought it here thinking that I might have time to read some books maybe even this one. I cant help but think that it was not by accident. Even thought it has a really simple and “I have heard that before” theme it so far has been just what I needed to hear. Its all about falling in love with God again and strengthening your relationship with Him in an “organic“ way.

A couple chapters into the book I found myself really taking a look at myself, and realizing that this past month I have felt a little lost and unsure sometimes. And then this verse, Isaiah 43:1-3 “But now, this is what the Lord says, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” I underlined three words in this because they are the three words that speak out the loudest to me and mean so much. Through everything that I might be going through, He is still always there, He is still God, He is still Father, Abba, it’s a promise, “you are mine”. This is such a comfort for me to think about and to know that I am His. I cant leave out also that this reminded me of a song that B, a very good friend of mine, and I wrote this past summer. No kidding the song is called “You Are Mine”. The chores goes a little like this if I can remember it all correctly, “I’m here waiting, your done breaking, I’m shining out my light. And I will never, leave you to wonder, bended knee come to me, you are mine.” It has a whole new meaning to me. When we were sitting in the park writing this it was just cool and we were having fun with it, but now I can see the true meaning behind it and, wow. He whispers just three words and an overwhelming peace comes over me.

I would defiantly say that coming here to the Dominican Republic has changed me, in more ways than I probably know right now. Yes, I have been forced out of my box in a sense, and have had to give some things up that really in all reality we could all do without, and have been able to focus on God and me. My relationship with Him. And by doing that have been able to see, so much clearer than before, His teachings, and what He has for me. I am learning so much about who God is and with Him learning so much about myself. I know that without Him everything that I am doing here would not be. I know that I have a purpose here and I came here to follow Him in that.

Our speaker this weekend pastor Don had this to say Friday night. “Jesus didn’t die to keep you safe, Jesus died to make you dangerous!” This might seem strange, not going to lie, with his heavy southern accent, I thought, this guy, ummmm ok. But there is a point behind it, and might be one that you have heard before but not quite in this way. So that box that I have been forced out of…well that is just one box, I find that there are many we can put ourselves in. So I have also put myself in a “missionary box” and have classified myself, if even being short term, as such. That might be what I am doing right now, this is what God has called me to do right now, but I am still Christine… I am, in the words from above, “His” called to do one thing, follow Him. Matthew 19:16-30 tells of the story of the rich young man, and when he asked “What do I still lack?” Jesus gave the answer “Sell everything and follow me”. Sound easy enough, yes? I think that even more so now than then it is difficult to say the least. I can say that I defiantly try, but find myself falling at every corner, getting lost, unfocused. I lose some of my dangerousness that is, living for God in a way that makes us “dangerous“, exciting, different! Living a life focused on one thing, and that is to bring people to the kingdom.

I think for me this past month I was lacking motivation and forgetting the reason why I had come here. I mean not completely but I was just in one of these places where I don’t know where to go next and it was getting me down. This weekend I just felt God so much, His Spirit just filling me again in a way that I have not had in a while. The worship was fantastic, the messages right on, and the community great. None of these things by themselves had anything to do with it but together and what God did through them just lifted my soul up. I feel so motivated, refreshed, reconnected, refocused and ready to be a leader this summer. Its My Mission.

I want to ask this question, and I may be taking it out of the book that I am reading, but I really like it and her answer was really close to what mine was. So the question is “What do you love about Jesus?” Take a minute think about it.

For me its God’s beauty. And it goes much deeper than this world that He has created for us. I do love to look at beautiful sunset on the beach and it more often than not makes me thank God for all the beauty that He has given us, but its deeper. Its His Love for us, His healing for us, its all of Him. He is the beauty we find when we get to know Him better. By getting to know the creator we get to see the beauty of this world that He has created for us. Its awesome! Its like seeing things in a whole new way. I love this quote form the book, “He reveals what is ultimately beautiful in a way we could never imagine, and in the process we reflect a little more beauty ourselves, thus drawing others to him.” I don’t know about you but this is what I want to reflect! This mission that I am on, this is what its all about. This is what God had in store for me all along.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


The past couple of weeks have been a little different for me. Genesis is on a trimester system and so we have been out of school now for two and a half weeks, and have a week and a half left. The first week we had a team, and since none of the preschools were open we held VBS in each of them one day that week. The second week started out with a nice relaxing trip to a beach resort, which was fabulous! I have also spent a couple of days up in Los Higos helping Heidy with the woman’s social work site.

I say that the past few weeks have been different in what I have been doing for sure, but also in the way that God has been challenging me and reveling Himself to me. I have become comfortable working at Genesis. Not to say that this is a bad thing because I wouldn't, but I know my job there and I have gotten to know the kids really well and have fallen in love with them. I was in a routine, and when that routine broke, I found myself taking a look at everything that was around me and finding that I had been missing something.

During our week of VBS, God showed me something of what He wants me to be doing. I have never thought of ever being a teacher, but this week I found myself really liking the idea. Ok so I cant say I have never thought of being a teacher, I could never see myself doing it in the states and because of that I never thought about preschool... And while I was working with all of these other cute little kids I was really thinking that I really missed the kids at Genesis. Being at Genesis the past few months has really been an eye opening experience for me but God knew that I would need to get out of the routine for a while and discover possibly what He has in store for me through my experience there. So I have had sort of a revelation you could say. Thoughts of possibly teaching special needs children and or preschool age kids.

I feel like this direction that God is setting me on finally makes sense. I have been reading through the New Testament, specifically Paul’s letters and really taking from it what it means to be a true disciple and follower. There is such encouragement in Paul’s letters and I find myself seeking it out all the time. As has been the norm for these past few months there has been a million things on my mind. Some of them I have found that God has given me peace about and others still I am seeking guidance. I have given it all over to Him, and know that in the right time He will guide me in His direction, as He has done so far.

A verse comes to mind, Isaiah 41:9-10 "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant,' I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you with my righteous hand." I am called to follow Christ to the ends of the earth. I don’t need to fear anything because He will be there for me always. God's plan is so much bigger than mine. I have been finding myself slowly letting go and holding tight to what God has promised me.

So change… not really one of my most preferred aspects to life but one that I am beginning to become more comfortable with the more that I seek Christ in all that I do, and fully commit to be the chosen daughter that He has meant for me to be all along.