Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 11!

Well its the end of our second week here in the DR and I would have to say that it has already been a journey so far for sure! There are so many things running through my head right now I don’t know where to start, but I know I have to keep an open mind and let God work His way and me not mine.

That quote that I was talking about last night about having joy and in doing the work God has for me goes like this, "We have never let go of our plan long enough to see that Gods plan might be better than my plan. Then we have no joy because we get our plan and we find out how empty it is." I really feel like God is filling my life right now with all the things that are of Him and I have complete joy in what I am doing here and with my work especially in Genesis.

We went around the circle at our site today and shared our highlights and lowlights of the week and we had trouble coming up with lowlights! It has been such an amazing week with these students and I have felt it as much as they have if not more. Tonight we sat around the camp fire and sang a bunch of worship songs and it was really a perfect ending to the week!

There leader kind of ended with mini sermon for them but it kind of struck me as well, he said never to be content where you are in your relationship with Christ, always be striving for more. That kind of was a wake up call because for the past week I have felt content in where I am at and I am not saying that is a bad thing at all I am exactly where I am supposed to be, but I have a long way to go with my spiritual journey and it sounds weird but not being content to stay where you are at is exactly what it will take for me to keep pushing myself forward on this journey that God has put me on here in the Dominican Republic!!!

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